Top 15 Engagement Poses for Couples!
Here are the BEST Engagement Photo poses that Anyone can do!
Guys, I’ve done my research so YOU don’t have to. I want to make this easy for you! If you are a couple, I know how nerve-wracking it feels to be in front of the camera, especially if this is your first ‘official photoshoot’ together. And if you are a photographer like me, I know how scary can be to have to guide people on the fly.
So take a look at these beautiful poses below. Here are 15 different Engagement Poses that just about ANYBODY can do with their significant other!
I recommend practicing them in front of a mirror in the comfort of your own home, and seeing which works best for you. Find shots that look most natural and make you comfortable, so you are prepared for the photoshoot!
BIG shout out to this GORGEOUS couple I was honored to photograph, Nikisha & Daniel!

The kiss from behind <3
This pose is super cute up close, or from afar. Let your fiance come from behind you and grab your waist or neck and kiss you over your shoulder

The Shoulder Grab <3
This one is where you grab on to your boo’s shoulder or arm, either from the front of back, facing towards each other or opposite each other. And then looking out (or kissing!)

The Swoop Down <3
I love this one so much! It’s all about trust, allowing your man to hold you as you lean backwards and give him a kiss. Practice this one in the safety of your home first!

The Eskimo Kiss <3
A super cute pose that is appropriate for the parents! You guys touch noses together, and get super close. It’s very cute when you both giggle in the moment!

The Almost Kiss <3
This is where the sexy comes out!! This could easily morph into an Eskimo kisses pose, but here is where you are just about to kiss, and you pause for a moment for the photographer to capture the shot. It’s the ‘Hollywood shot’. Gives me butterflies!

The Kiss on the Neck <3
I think this might be my new favorite, because there are so many ways it can be done, and it looks so geniune. It’s sexy, and soft. He gently kisses under your neck, or on the side of your neck. And you throw your hands up in the air behind him, or somewhere on him.

The On-Top-Of-Him Pose <3
Here’s a pose where you can climb on top and still have something safe to show the parents! It’s just a touching intimate moment where two people intertwine with each other.

The Lay-On-Top-Of <3
Completely optional! But if you’re comfortable with it, you can do this super cute one where you lay on his chest as he pulls your hair out of the way for a kiss.

The Kiss on the Forehead <3
A simple pose that at the right angle is so precious. It’s tender love in action, and it makes my heart skip a beat.

The Pick-Me-Up <3
Try this one at home first! But it’s a super cute shot to be lifted up in the air as you go in for a kiss!

The Hand-in-the-Hair Shot <3
If you’ve got some hair to play with, play with it! Have your significant other put their hands through it, grab it gently, or stroke it out of your face, makes for a super cute shot.

The Running Away Shot <3
This works really well with a big flowy dress (my fav)! It looks like a princess running away with her prince. Very dream-like 🙂

The Twirl <3
Another shot that works GREAT for a long flowy dress – twirling! He can twirl you, or you can simply spin around yourself and just have fun with it.

The Serious Look <3
Here’s a striking one: You two together, holding on to each other, staring back at the world with a serious face of ‘nobody is going to come between us’ vibe. Chills!

The Single Shot <3
Just a solo shot. Make him remember how beautiful you are as an individual, as well as together.
Hopefully that helps inspire you on a bunch of different ideas on how you two can be photographed together. Print them out and take them with you on a shoot as a cheat sheet! Or practice them in the mirror and memorize them.
OR Hire me as your Engagement Photographer and I’ll do the memorization for you!
Happy posing!